Category Archives: Programs

Embroidery Reader 2.1.0 Released

I’ve released Embroidery Reader 2.1.0, which adds a new feature to help report unhandled exceptions. It also includes fixes for the following issues:

  • Displaying gibberish for some designs
  • Crashes when trying to open certain files
  • Some settings get saved when cancel button is clicked on preferences dialog
  • Possibly other crashes related to opening files (generally improved robustness of file reading code)

Visit the Embroidery Reader page to download the new version.

Embroidery Reader 2.0.2 Released

I’ve release Embroidery Reader 2.0.2 to fix a few things:

  • Fix a repeating crash if the program is closed while minimized
  • Fix a potential crash when window is resized before a design is loaded
  • Fix the path used to look for translations (Fixes %MENU_FILE%, %MENU_EDIT%, %MENU_VIEW% and %MENU_HELP% text appearing in menu)
  • Add some usage instructions to embroideryInfo utility output when run with no input specified

See the Embroidery Reader page to download the new version.